Simply click the ‘play’ button next to the song to play the sound file.
See The Summer Sun Is Gleaming,
Shining Bright O’er Land And Sea,
Nature’s face with smiles is beaming,
Symbol of festivity
All the Earth is gay and gaudy,
Mirth and joy together stray,
Bright Sol lendeth All his glory,
To illume Our Festal Day.
Hail! Hail! Hail!
Hail! Hail! Hail!
With a laugh loud and long,
with and dance and a song,
We hail our festal day.
Woods have donn’d their fairest garments,
Flowers, refreshed with morning dew,
Brighten sylvan nook and valley,
With the beauty of their hue.
Hill and upland, green and golden,
Where the whin and broom hold sway,
Echo back the glandsome chorus,
Hail! All Hail Our Festal Day,
Hail! Hail! Hail!
Hail! Hail! Hail!
With a laugh loud and long,
with a dance and a song,
We hail our Festal Day.
This is the best day of the year, that’s why we laugh and sing and cheer.
Welcome friends from far and near, this the best day of the year.
A hundred years have passed or more, since our first coronation.
Our town has changed throughout those years but not our dedication’
We’ve lost our wood yards pits and docks, our potteries gone forever,
One thing remains and will not die, Our Fair – it changes never.
This is the best day of the year, that’s why we laugh and sing and cheer,
Welcoming friends from far and near, this is the best day of the year.
We’ve sung our songs and crowned our Queen, and read her proclamation,
It’s been like this through all these years, this day of celebration.
Go North go South go East go West no town has got our measure.
Our Fair still stands abune them all a day that we will treasure.
This is the best day of the year, that’s why we laugh and sing and cheer,
Welcoming friends from far and near, this is the best day of the year.
Simply click the ‘play’ button next to the song to play the sound file.
Hail! to our Queen
Hail! to our Queen
Hail! to our Queen
Our Queen Today
We hail our chosen Queen today
To her our humble homage pay,
While music swells mid banners gay,
and sunbeams gild the scene,
Her faithful subjects see her crowned,
With all her lords and ladies round,
And then our happy shouts resound,
All hail our chosen Queen.
Hail! Hail! Our Queen Today,
Hail! Hail! Our chosen Queen
Now raise your voices with a cheer,
Hurray! for our Queen.
Repeat Chorus
Bo’ness Children’s Fair Festival Executive is a registered charity in Scotland – SC031990.
© 2025 Charlie Archibald. All rights reserved.
site by CMA